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15 intervjuud

For this specific project, the EKA GD department tasked third-year students with creating a newspaper that showcases interviews with prominent figures from Estonia's contemporary graphic design scene. Under the guidance of professors Indrek Sirkel and Sandra Nuut, the students mapped out the diversity of Estonian graphic design by conducting interviews with designers from various studios and collectives. The project culminated in the publication and presentation of the newspaper on November 24th, 2017, at the Velvet creative agency.

Animation: Allan Aug

Allan Aug was responsible for the animation design, conducting an interview with Marko Kekišev, and designing an article for the EKA Graphic Design Department’s newspaper. The result is a carefully curated publication that maps out the diversity of contemporary Estonian graphic design through 15 interviews. My contributions helped to bring dynamic visuals to the project while maintaining a structured, engaging design for the article and offering insights into the work of Marko Kekišev.

15 Intervjuud frontpage, showcasing the main layout and featured interviews. Screenshot by SA.
15 Intervjuud frontpage, showcasing the main layout and featured interviews. Screenshot by SA.
Article page on the 15 Intervjuud website, displaying the interview content and accompanying visuals. Screenshot by SA.
Article page on the 15 Intervjuud website, displaying the interview content and accompanying visuals. Screenshot by SA.

15 intervjuud

In this project,
third-year students
from the EKA Graphic Design department
were tasked with creating a newspaper
showcasing interviews
with key figures in Estonia’s
contemporary graphic design scene.

Under the guidance
of professors Indrek Sirkel
and Sandra Nuut,
the students conducted interviews
with designers
from various studios
and collectives.
The project culminated
in the publication
and presentation
of the newspaper
on November 24th, 2017,
at the Velvet creative agency.

I was responsible
for the animation design,
interviewing Marko Kekišev,
and designing an article
for the publication.
The result is a publication
that captures the diversity
of Estonian graphic design
through 15 insightful interviews.

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