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Magazine „Sinuga“

The magazine addresses topics related to people with disabilities, special needs, and chronic illnesses, aiming to give these individuals and their families a voice while informing the public on industry news, challenges, and successes.

Photo: EPIK

For the magazine „Sinuga“, by the Estonian Chamber of People with Disabilities (EPIK), we handled the web design, web development, and graphic design for the paper magazine.

Layout by SA.
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Layout by SA.
Layout by SA.
Layout by SA.
Layout by SA.
Layout by SA.
Layout by SA.
Layout by SA.
Layout by SA.
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Layout by SA.

Magazine „Sinuga“

The magazine Sinuga
focuses on topics important
to people with disabilities,
special needs,
and chronic illnesses.
It gives them
and their families
a platform to share their stories
while informing the public
about challenges,
and industry news.

We worked on the web design,
web development,
and graphic design
for the paper version of Sinuga,
ensuring a professional
and accessible presentation
for its audience.

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