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Longrun Assets

Longrun Assets managed the LRA Growth Fund, a risk fund that applies a diversified investment strategy aimed at achieving stable returns.

Photo: Allan Aug

We provided web development and website management support, while the design was handled by another company.

Longrun Assets frontpage, highlighting the main navigation, introductory text, and key visuals. Screenshot by SA.
Longrun Assets frontpage, highlighting the main navigation, introductory text, and key visuals. Screenshot by SA.
Longrun Assets 'Make an Investment' page, displaying the investment options and relevant details for potential investors. Screenshot by SA.
Longrun Assets 'Make an Investment' page, displaying the investment options and relevant details for potential investors. Screenshot by SA.

Longrun Assets

Longrun Assets managed
the LRA Growth Fund,
a risk fund with
a diversified investment strategy
focused on achieving stable returns.

We handled the web development
and ongoing website management,
while another company
took care of the design.

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